Sunday, 12 April 2009

Ask to ur husband

1. Let him do “his things”. If he wants to do some of the house keeping, let him do it. If you refuse this and say that you want to take care of them, he will never do something in the house. Even if you are not happy with the things he has done in the house, praise him and stimulate him to do it also next time. You will find the suitable moments to remediate the “problems”. 2. Ask him to help you. Even if he says, as most do, that he doesn’t know what to do, explain him patiently and if it is possible monitories him. On the contrary, he will either get nervous, or he will give up and you will have to continue the job. 3. Tell him to bring you flowers. When your husband is out, it’s the better way to ask him to buy your favorite flowers. If you do this several times, you will be very surprised to see that, next time, he will bring you flowers from his initiative. 4. Help him without him to know it. Mark down in his mobile phone some special days such as your birthday, your wedding anniversary day but also important days for his mother. Set the phone alarm so that it remembers him these important events two-three days before. 5. Be friend with your mother in law. If your husband has a sister, try to be very friendly with her too. They are your allied in any problems you might have with him. 6. Try to mediate a good relationship between your husband and your parents. Usually, a good relationship between son in law and mother in law is easier to be obtained than one between you and your mother-in-law. If you can, try to help them have a better relationship as it will be of use for both of you, in the future. 7. No matter how busy you are, try to convince him make time for some romantic moments shared only in two. If these moments will be pleasant for both of you, he will always have a positive response regarding your ideas for some relaxing moments. 8. Encourage him. Appreciate his efforts both at work and at home, no matter if some times you might exaggerate. The secret is that men are reserved in accepting praises they think they don’t deserve so that they will try to do things better next time.

Why do we love men

Why are we happy that men exist? Why do we need them? We are tempted many times to say that we don’t need men but let’s try to remember, girls, why do we want him. Here is a list with reasons which will answer to our question “Why do we love men“?

• Because they know how make a separation between emotional problems and rational ones.
• Because they don’t get frightened and they always save us from that huge spider on the wall.
• Because you can see how happy they become when they are winners in a game they played all evening.
• Because without doing sport, they get even fatter than us, girls.
• Because they offer us their coat when we are freezing.
• Because they carefully supervise how much money we spend.
• Because they open the door in front of us and they carry our bags full with new bought clothes.
• Because they always protect us.
• Because we can call them when we have problems with our car.
• Because their tummy turns bigger after drinking a beer.
• Because men are best cookers in the world although your lover doesn’t know to cook.
• Because they say you look well even when you don’t.
• Because they don’t get upset because you have spent the last money on a pair of shoes.
• Because they accept to go at shopping with us, even if we spend a whole day doing this.
• Because they succeed in making us feel happy day by day.
• Because they exist and without them our life will be too monotonous

Fashion tips

Do you want to be always sexy and in fashion? Would you like to attract everyone’s looks without having a vulgar look? Here are some tips in order to solve any possible confusion related to the fashion topic.

• Wear what you like and what suits you;
• Wear a skin colour bra under a white blouse;
• Wear horizontal stripes if you have narrow shoulders, small breasts and narrow hips. You can also wear horizontal stripes on the narrow parts of your body if you want to divert attention from a big bust or hips;
• Try to show your physical qualities and hide the defects;
• Wear artificial fur because the natural one is old- fashioned;
• Use a natural make-up during the day;
• Wear low size trousers if you have a big posterior. Those trousers designed with a high size will stress this little defect;
• Wear the appropriate size because a small t-shirt or bra won’t give you a sexy look but an unpleasant appearance;
• Don’t wear long skirts with large t-shirts. This combination will make you look fatter;
• Don’t let your lingerie out of the trousers; it will give you an unpleasant, vulgar look;
• Don’t use black lipstick;
• Don’t exaggerate in using all kind of accessories as, for example, a ring on every finger;
• Don’t mix up styles. For example, don’t wear sport accessories with an elegant outfit, or any other weird combination.

How to dress at work?

If your style is sexy more than stylish you might have some problems at work. Wearing a sexy outfit at work is seen as an inadequate behavior for any woman. For example women with leading positions are looked at as being less intelligent and competent. This perception is not valid when it comes to secretaries, for example. Women wearing clothes which show too much are looked at as using their sexuality in order to be promoted. Let’s see some suggestions in order to dress suitable at work.

Blouses should cover shoulders, the back and the abdomen. Avoid wearing transparent materials and stretched clothes.

Skirts can be a hand above the knee, not at all shorter. Skirts having the “A” shape and conic skirts are classic stylish options although you can also wear floral prints skirts.

When it comes to trousers, they must be simple, classic colors. Be careful how stretched and avoid those which show your lingerie.

Many banks interdict shoes which reveal foot nails. In this case, you should choose pumps or little hills shoes.

What is too sexy to wear at work?
Blouses which show too much skin such as those showing your abdomen or a decolletage are not suited for work. If you want to wear them anyway try using a jacket or a bolero.

You shouldn’t wear transparent or glossy clothes at work. Exposing your underwear is totally unsuitable. Short skirts, naked back dresses or stiletto shoes can’t be worn at work.

How to be a cool colleague?

You surely spend much more time at your job than at home. In this case you should make your life easier and respect the existent rules. It isn’t important that you work perfect with the clients, if your colleagues can’t stand you. Let’s see some tips which will help you be considered a “cool” colleague.

Don’t steal things
We ale borrow pens or pencils but don’t forget to give it back. There is nothing more annoying than seeing that things are missing from your desk.

Behave at work as you behave at home
Don’t do mess in public places. Keep the toilet and kitchen hygienic.

Don’t scream and don’t attack your colleagues no matter how irritating they are. We all lived situations when we felt angry on some of our colleagues. Try to abstain yourself from expressing your feelings. It works if you want to. You must be clever, intelligent.

Face to face
No matter how hard it may be, you must communicate directly, face to face. You can be seen by others and the communication is much clear.

Be trustable
If someone told you a secret and you told it the next moment to others, don’t expect to be trusted from now on. People easily lose confidence and you can win it hard afterwards.

Don’t expect the work to be done by your colleagues
The work week ends Friday afternoon, not Thursday afternoon.

Remember: if you gossip and stab someone at the back, that person will think that you do the same with anyone. Nobody likes bad persons who gossip a lot.

Admit others success with humor and avoid persons who make you shiver. You don’t have to be friend with them. Be just polite.

Try using these tips and you will surely be considered the best colleague ever.


Purpose of pedicure


To keep the feet in good condition and to make the skin soft and smooth.

It improves blood circulation, nourishes the skin and the leg and foot muscles

It discourages foot ailments.



Nail cutter

Nail filer

Cuticle cutter

Cuticle pusher

Nail brush

Orange stick

Pumice stone

Foot scrapper

Two basins large enough for foot bath




Liquid soap or shampoo

Luke warm water

Antiseptic lotion

Oil or cream

Nail polish

Foot powder

Hydrogen peroxide



Remove the old nail polish using acetone with lotion

File the nails and cut the nails if necessary.

Place both the feet in Luke warm water containing liquid soap and hydrogen peroxide.

Clean the foot using nail brush, foot scrapper and pumice stone.

Remove the foot from the basin and clean thoroughly using a soft towel.

With a cotton dipped in Antiseptic lotion and with the help of an orange stick apply the lotion under the free edge of each nail

Buff the cuticle to soften the cuticle

Loosen the cuticle back gently

Massage the legs for five minutes

Apply the first coat of nail polish and allow it to dry and then apply the second coat

Foundation Creams

Foundation should be considered as a skin improver. Foundation should match your skin tone. To choose a colour apply little on your cheek or inside of your wrist. Be careful to blend around nose and chin and fade away under the chin. Heavy foundation is old fashioned and ageing. Foundation should never appear like a mask. The shade chosen should be as close to your natural skin tone, so that there is no sudden change of colours between Chin and neck. Different types of foundation Foundations are available in various forms liquids, gels, creams, solid creams, in sticks (pen stick), cakes (pancakes). This can be chosen depending on how much clarity or cover you prefer. * Emulsions These are packaged in tubes and are formulated for a variety of skin types- for dry skins, oily skins and normal skins. This gives less sheen than cream or liquid foundations, but cover blemishes very well. * Creams These are packed in jars. As they contain a high proportion of oils, they are particularly suitable for dry skins. These also provide a heavy cover, but gives a glossy finish. * Liquids These are packaged in bottles and can be formulated for all skin types. They give a light sheen cover but are too light to cover any blemishes and scars. * Gels These are packaged in squeeze tubes. They give a light, natural look and are the variety you should use if you have a blemish free normal skin. * Cakes or sticks These are the solid forms of foundation. Since they have a drying effect, use them on an oily skin. They hide blemishes and scars. Solid forms are popular for photographic and stage work but are too heavy for every day use. * Powders The original full coverage face-powders have now given way to transparent powders; these transparent powders control shine and provide oil - blotting. They are used after foundations to give a matt finish. Cake or compact powders are more heavily formulated; as they contain a certain amount of foundation. These are not the best choice for the initial powdering over foundation because they may rub the foundation off and also cause an unattractive colour build-up. They are best used for touching up during the way, as they help to reinforce coverage. Choice of a foundation Two aspects should be taken into account before choosing a foundation - the form of the foundation and its colour. Some forms are more suited to certain skin types than others. Age and the basic condition of your skin also influence the choice of the foundation. * Choice based on the skin type An oil based foundation is most suited for dry skin as this gives additional moisture. An oil -free, water based foundation (Cake or stick form) is most suited for oily skin. Any form of foundation is suited for the normal skin type especially, Emulsions and liquid foundations which can be used for any skin type * Choice based on age and condition of skin For young and fine skin, a thin foundation (light sheer liquids) is most suited. For a skin with uneven colour and tone, blemishes etc a heavy foundation (cream of stick) is suitable, to cover the poor condition of the skin. For older skin, 2 coats of light liquid foundation is suitable- a heavier foundation may emphasize the lines and skin creases. * Choice based on Colour A make up base or foundation must match the natural skin tone of the person as much as possible. This colour matching is best done in day - light and not in artificial light. A fair skin can use Beige, brownish gold or ochre and darker skin can use pinkish beige, peach or pinkish ochre. If there are more than one colour tone in your face, then match the foundation to the middle tone. Mixing two colours -one which matches your skin and the other which complements your natural colouring could have very good effect. Powder A shade close to your skin colour should be used. Powder is not really meant to add colour, but it helps to add a smooth finish. Apply with a bushy brush or with cotton and dust off excess powder. Blusher or Rouge After facial make up, the next thing that comes on the face is the blusher. Blusher can be in powder form as well as cream form. The colours should not be very much darker than your skin tone. Smile widely with your lips closed. Your cheek naturally raise; apply rouge on the raised area and fade out gradually towards the hairline. Never apply rouge too close to the nose and too low on the cheeks.

Hair Care

Most people want their hair silky and shiny. No matter what the type of hair they have, be it straight, curly, long, short, oily, dry, thin or thick all want their hair to look good and manageable. Shampooing To shampoo is to wash, cleanse or remove all dirt or other impurities from the scalp and hair by the process of shampooing. The selection of the shampoo should depend upon the hair type. Egg shampoo is good for dry hair but avoid products which contain alcohol as they will dry out the hair even further. Look for shampoos that contain oils like coconut. Moisturizing type shampoos tend to coat the hair and trap the moisture inside the hair shaft. For oily hair use some mild shampoo. Care should be taken while using shampoo. Do not scrub or over massage. It is better to rinse thoroughly with Luke warm water. If the hair is too oily, add lemon juice in Luke warm water and rinse. The best shampoo's to use for this type of hair is clarifying shampoos. Look for shampoos that contain panthenol. Volumizing shampoos are mild in nature because they are formulated for everyday use, but contain additives for bounce and body. Shampooing can be done as often (ideally every alternate day) as required to keep the hair clean and healthy, as long as you condition regularly. Switch shampoos once a month to avoid hair buildup. Method of Shampooing Prepare the hair for shampooing. Before wetting your hair for shampooing, comb through with a wide toothed comb to prevent tangles. Mix and adjust the water flow. Mix the water to a comfortable temperature. Wet the hair and scalp thoroughly. Apply the shampoo to the hair by first pouring it into your hand and never directly. Apply with the hands and fingers, massage firmly in rotating and circular movements. Massage the whole head. Rinse the hair and scalp thoroughly and carefully. Apply more shampoo and massage for the second time if needed, finally rinse all shampoo from the hair and scalp with clean water. Finally check the hair lines and make sure that the dirt and shampoo has been removed from hair and scalp. Dry the hair gently. Don't rub just blot the wet hair with a towel and then smooth the towel along the length of your hair. Avoid blow drying as far as possible. If you shampoo regularly there is no need to lather twice. Conditioning A conditioner is to hair what a moisturiser is to the skin and it used after shampooing. All types of hair have to be conditioned to keep it shiny and flexible. Conditioning is specially useful for dry hair. It adds to the natural oil supply and gives dry hair, shine as well as bounce and strength. For oily hair, use conditioner only on the ends of your hair . Method of Conditioning

After shampooing gently squeeze the excess water.
Comb the hair with the fingers or with wide toothed comb from the roots to the ends gently. Remove tangles. 3.Apply little conditioner and rub the conditioner through the hair with the fingers. Never rub on the scalp. 4.Keep it on the hair for 5 minutes 5.Now gently massage the hair to loosen the conditioner. 6.Rinse the hair and remove all traces of conditioner. Now dry the hair. Conditioners used for different types of Hair Damaged hair - Protein Conditioner Dry hair - Moisturising or Intensive Conditioner Oily hair - Any normal (oil free) conditioner Purpose of Conditioning The key to beautiful hair is a beautiful scalp. If it is kept clean and normal balances are maintained it performs its functions well. Each hair is made up of a very delicate fibers. Conditioning is a way of giving the hair a more intense kind of nourishing treatment. It helps to protect hair from counter acting dryness, making it smooth and easier to manage. Treatments with conditioners helps to correct the effects of poor hair care. Henna is a good conditioner. Treatment with henna is good for the hair.

Types of Hair

It is essential to identify the texture of your hair whether dry, oily or balanced for a good hair care program. Read on to identify your hair type. Dry Hair Dry hair is due to inactive oil glands. It is also caused by other factors like over exposure to the sun, using harsh shampoo and chemical treatment. Accumulated oil, block the pores not allowing the oil to flow on to the surface. This is another reason for dry hair. Dry hair would need plenty of nourishment. Massage well with a warm herbal oil at least twice a week. Follow a diet rich in zinc. Use a mild shampoo and avoid harsh ones since the chemicals in them can strip hair of its outer protein layer, further drying the scalp. Do not use electric curlers and hair dryers. Oily Hair This is usually accompanied with oily skin. This is due to the over secretion of oil. Hence the scalp and hair gets too oily. Oily hair is easily recognizable. It looks greasy even after shampooing and and attracts more dirt. The oily hair needs to be washed every third or fourth day or even more frequently depending on individual comfort and rinsed out with lemon. Use oils and shampoos rich in neem and henna. A head massage with a herbal oil helps maintain the pH level of the scalp. Avoid oily foods and binge on green leafy vegetables and fruits.

Sensitive skin

This type of skin has a fine texture and is very sensitive to changes in the climate. This skin type show the disadvantages of bleaching, waxing, threading, perfumes, temperature extremes, soap etc and for men sun, perfumes, shaving cream etc. People with this skin type should avoid products with dyes, perfumes, or unnecessary chemical ingredients that may irritate the skin.

Combination skin

This type of skin is very common. As the name suggests, it is a combination of both oily and dry skin with certain areas of the face oily and the rest dry. Usually there is a central greasy panel consisting of the forehead, nose and chin and a dry panel consisting of cheeks and the areas around the eyes and mouth. The greasy central panel is referred to as T - Zone. In such cases, each part of the face should be treated accordingly - the dry areas as for dry skin and the central panel as for oily skin and use skin care products made especially for combination skin.

Oily skin

As its name implies, oily skin is slightly to moderately greasy. This type of skin is caused by the over secretion of sebum making the skin surface oily. The excess oil on the surface of the skin attracts dirt and dust from the environment. Oily skin is also prone to black heads, white heads, spots, pimples and such skin will never be clear. This type of skin needs to be cleansed thoroughly.

Dry skin

Dry skin has a dry parched appearance and has a tendency to flake easily. It is prone to wrinkles and lines. This is due to the inability to retain moisture as well as the insufficient production of sebum by the sebaceous glands. Dry skin often has problems in cold weather and ages faster than normal or oily skin. Constant protection is very important. It needs a moisturiser during the day and a good cream at night

Normal Skin

Normal skin has a fine even texture with a supple and smooth surface. It has a proper balance between oil and moisture contents and is therefore moist and is neither greasy nor dry. The pores of normal skin are small and the overall skin tone is even. It looks clear and does not develop spots and blemishes. The pores of the skin are fine and barely visible. It reflects good health and needs gentle treatment

Types of Skin

Knowing your skin type is the chief way you can ensure your skin feels and looks its best. Many people, however, get confused when trying to figure out exactly what their skin type is. Skin can be divided into various types according to its texture. It is essential to know what skin type you actually have and using the correct products on your face can really make a difference to those problem areas you may have. Due to our higher levels of collagen, male skin is up to 20% thicker and tougher than female skin. Male skin is also oilier, with larger exposed pores, a richer blood supply, and more of a tendency to break out in a sweat compared with women's skin. There are five basic skin types. They are 1.Normal skin 2.Dry skin 3.Oily skin 4.Combination skin 5.Sensitive skin

For good Health

* Add vegetables and fruits in your diet chart. * Drink 12-16 glass of water daily. * Avoid excess eating of fried things. * Try to buy meat which contain less fat. * Avoid excess sugar in tea and coffee. * Slice vegetables into big pieces, so that it won't loose vitamins.


* To avoid diseases like hepatitis and Typhoid, eat 5 basil leaves everyday. * For tooth ache, keep a clove on the affected area. * Have a mixture of gingelly oil and egg, for 3 days, for menstrual disorders. * You will get a great relief from menstrual pain , if you have a gooseberry daily. * Boil the leaf of Malabar nut, squeeze its juice and add egg white. It subsides cough. * Eat the powder of dried ginger and cumin with sugar for relief from cough. * Have the mixture of mustard paste and honey for good relief from cough. * For a good relief from cough, mix equal quantities of basil juice, honey and ajwain juice and drink on an empty stomach. * Are you suffering from urinary infection? Drink a glassful of water with a pinch of cardamom powder. * Chew some cumin and sugar for relief from stomach pain. * Have a mixture of lemon juice and honey when you are suffering from cold. * If you have bad breath, drink at least five glasses of water in the morning. * Stop nose bleeds by putting a few drops of pomegranate juice into your nostrils. * For nagging cough and chest congestion, boil 3 cups of water with 2 fresh betel leaves and 4 crushed peppercorns, till the water is reduced to half. Strain and drink every morning and night with a teaspoon of honey. * For relief from toothache.. Take two basil leaves, a grain of salt and a pinch of pepper powder and press against the affected tooth. * For minor rashes on the skin.. add few basil leaves in your bathing water before you bathe. * To get a fair baby, Mothers can drink saffron added to milk during pregnancy. * For fever and cough of children, give some honey mixed with water. * The juice of carrot and tomato, mixed with a little honey is good tonic for children. * A teaspoon of the powdered pomegranate skin taken with water early in the morning will not only purify the blood but also will serve as a good de- worming agent * Chewing raw guava leaves is an excellent quick fix for diarrhoea * If you are suffering from acidity, drink a glass of water with a piece of jaggery dissolved in it, after meals. * Drink basil water everyday, it helps in keeping throat infection and cough at bay.

Dreams Can Prevent Wrinkles

Did you know that dreams could help delay those tell tale wrinkles appearing around your eyes? To stay looking younger, longer then you need to dream! Researchers believe that stress and anxiety triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that that raises blood pressure and blood sugar. This in turn causes insomnia or sleep deprivation and may eventually lead to bad health problems. The early signs are the appearance or accentuation of wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, most noticeable around the eyes. The first problem to address is how to relieve the day to day stress and anxiety that so many of us suffer from and that seems to come to a head when we get into bed to try to get a good nights sleep. Stop drinking alcohol as early in the evening as you can, avoid aspirin, ibuferon and anti-depressants as all these blocks the body from producing melatonin, the hormone that helps us into deep sleep accompanied by dreams. This dream like state is accompanied by rapid eye movement (REM), rising brain activity blood pressure and breathing rate while muscular movements stay dormant. REM sleep accounts for only about a quarter of our sleep periods. The majority is made up 'quiet sleep', known as 'NREM' when virtually all movement slows down. This when the body revitalises itself with hormones that generate growth to repair, maintain and renew the physical body's vital functions. The importance difference with REM is that muscles relax allowing the skin to revert to smooth lines and all stress and anxiety to be absorbed and forgotten as our dreams take control. That means that while any sleep is important for our health and well being, the more REM sleep we can get the longer we can delay those aging wrinkles appearing particularly around our eyes. The natural approach is the best defence against sleep deprivation. Refrain from drugs that may inhibit melatonin, controversially a hormone that produces deep 'REM' sleep but inhibits 'NREM' sleep. Dreaming can also be blocked by sleeping pills as well as aspirin and ibuferon. Before going to bed dim the bathroom lights and relax in a warm bath with chamomile or lavender essential oils. They will slow down your brain activity as you inhale them. It will help you relax your muscles and prepare you for sleep. Get into a warm bed, if the bed or sheets are cold it will alert your senses and you do not want that! Most of us have heard of counting sheep to get to sleep and it may work for you. The important point is to unclutter your mind and concentrate on relaxed deep breathing. Don't let your emotions get in the way of your peace of mind, even if you have to stop thinking of the stressful events of the day, counting sheep is as good a way as any other. The more you dream the better for your youth and beauty

Stop Aging Neck Wrinkles Now

One of the first signs of aging is the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles in the skin around the neck and eyes. This is because the skin in these areas is thinner than on the rest of the body making it more vulnerable to visible damage caused by exposure to the ultra violet rays in sunlight. There are two further principal reasons why the neck area is usually the first to show the onset of age in the form of wrinkles and saggy skin. As we grow older so the fat layer underlying the skin gets redistributed. In the neck and under the chin the fatty tissues become reduced resulting in the overlying skin losing the support of this layer and allowing wrinkles and sagginess to become more visible. In many cases neck wrinkles and saggy skin progress down to the upper chest area causing even more evidence of advancing age. The problem is compounded by the fact that the front of the neck and under the chin are areas of the body that do not have a great deal of muscular support. As a consequence they are unable to make up for the loss of support as the fatty tissue diminishes and the ravages of sunlight takes it toll. In common with the skin covering the rest of the body, bad diet and lack of attention to good skin care is also a contributory factor. To stop aging neck wrinkles and saggy skin, often referred to as ‘turkey neck', prevention is better than cure. * Don't stop your skin care routine at your face but cleanse, tone and moisturise your neck and upper chest at the same time. * Always remember to pay special attention to cover all the exposed areas of your upper body with a good sunscreen when outdoors, even if the sun is hardly shining, and keep your neck protected from wind and snow. * If you begin to see the appearance of aging neck wrinkles take immediate action and apply a rejuvenating skin cream specially formulated for the thin skin around the neck and available from most pharmacies. * Keep to a healthy diet containing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and be sure to exercise regularly, it doesn't have to be strenuous but keep to a routine. If you become more concerned that you are developing a ‘turkey neck' then the best advice is to consult a qualified dermatologist or skin specialist. There are a range of treatments that include laser therapies, surgical procedures and skin peels that can work "miracles!"

How Sunglasses Prevent Squinting

While our eyes are capable of absorbing light, any extreme brightness will need some type of protective wear.

Usually, we squint in order to reduce the amount of light that is entering our eyes. This can cause headaches and other pains. Not to mention early onset of wrinkles.

Sunglasses are crucial to prevent this from happening. A darkened lens helps to absorb the bright light, while the UV filter protects our eyes from the dangerous UV rays.
With that said, you should always check the label for the 100% UV protection logo before purchasing any sunglasses. Even the cheapest sunglasses have the logo, therefore you could afford these no matter what you budget is.

Obviously, your eyes matter more than fashion and the frame should fit close enough to your face.

Tests that have been conducted on manikins have shown that even lenses with the 100% UV logo have allowed sunlight to get around the side of the eyes due to the gaps in spaces.

It is recommended that large wrap around sunglasses be used for the best protection.

Depending on what you will be using the sunglasses for is the determining factor for how dark the lens should be. If you will be where there is a large amount of sunlight, such as in the snowy mountains if you are a winter sports enthusiast for example, then you will need very dark lenses.

For more average daily usage, you can use lighter lenses and still be protected. For frequent drivers, lenses with darker shading at the top and lighter at the bottom allow them to still see the dashboard while reducing the glare from the sun.

The lenses do not always have to be a dark black in order to protect you from the sun.

* Grey colored lenses are becoming very popular, and they reduce the most amount of color distortion.

* Brown and yellow lenses are also gaining recognition due to the fact that they reduce glare while helping block the sun. The only downside is that they tend to make everything have a weird shade of yellow which might counteract with your eyes after a while.

If you do purchase cheaper quality lenses, if they do not have the UV filters then you might as well not be wearing any sunglasses at all. They have to have the UV filter or else your eyes will be subjected to the hazardous UV light. While some consumers enjoy buying the designer frames, stay clear from the ones with very small lenses and thin arms.

They might look stylish while worn, but they are not protecting you at all from the effects of the sun on your eyes.

How To Stimulate Eyelash Growth

Now the often hideous Halloween look is over, is the time for taking a close look at your most noticeable feature - your eyes. Although our eyes are one of our prominent facial features without Mother Nature's gift of eyelashes to emphasize them they would recede into our faces. Therefore you should look after them well. The fact is that the longer and thicker your eyelashes are the more your eyes will stand out. For some fortunate people are born with long silky lashes but what about the rest of us poor mortals who somehow end up with short spiky things that neither emphasize nor of flatter our eyes. Genetics play their part here. Body hair grows at different rates, with some people never appearing to be able to grow their hair long. Eyelashes will normally have a growth cycle of about 4 - 8 weeks but if you notice that your lashes are looking sparse here are a few tips to help improve them. * Carefully coat your lashes with caster oil at night, making sure not to get it into your eyes * Take off all eye makeup thoroughly at night with a gentle specific eye makeup remover * Never pull at your lashes while removing makeup * Use mascara sparingly and never allow it to create ugly looking clumps which could tear the lashes from their roots * Using eyelash curlers can make a great deal of difference to the look of your eyes by opening up and making them look bigger. However, be careful not to use curlers on newly mascared lashes or they could get stuck to the curlers with disastrous results * Try Using LiLash: Purified Eyelash Stimulator to get fuller lashes. There are many reasons for eyelashes to fall out and some of these ailments are treatable so all is not lost..

History of beauty

There is evidence that a preference for beautiful faces emerges early in child development, and that the standards of attractiveness are similar across different genders and cultures.Symmetry is also important because it suggests the absence of genetic or acquired defects. Although style and fashion vary widely, cross-cultural research has found a variety of commonalities in people's perception of beauty. Large eyes and a clear complexion, for example, are considered beautiful in both men and women in all cultures. Neonatal features are inherently attractive and youthfulness in general is associated with beauty.

The earliest Western theory of beauty can be found in the works of early Greek philosophers from the pre-Socratic period, such as Pythagoras. The Pythagorean school saw a strong connection between mathematics and beauty. In particular, they noted that objects proportioned according to the golden ratio seemed more attractive. Ancient Greek architecture is based on this view of symmetry and proportion. Modern research also suggests that people whose facial features are symmetric and proportioned according to the golden ratio are considered more attractive than those whose faces are not.

Classical philosophy and sculptures of men and women produced according to these philosophers' tenets of ideal human beauty were rediscovered in Renaissance Europe, leading to a re-adoption of what became known as a "classical ideal". In terms of female human beauty, a woman whose appearance conforms to these tenets is still called a "classical beauty" or said to possess a "classical beauty", whilst the foundations laid by Greek and Roman artists have also supplied the standard for male beauty in western civilization. The ideal Roman was defined as tall, muscular, long-legged, with a full head of thick hair, a high and wide forehead – a sign of intelligence – wide-set eyes, a strong browline, a strong perfect nose and profile, a smaller mouth, and a strong jaw line. This combination of factors would, as it does today, produce an impressive "grand" look of handsome masculinity.

Beauty ideals may contribute to racial oppression. For example, a prevailing idea in American culture has been that black features are less attractive or desirable than white features. The idea that blackness was ugly was highly damaging to the psyche of African Americans, manifesting itself as internalized racism.The black is beautiful cultural movement sought to dispel this notion.[6] Conversely, beauty ideals may also promote racial unity. Mixed race children are often perceived to be more attractive than their parents because their genetic diversity protects them from the inherited errors of their individual parents

what is Beauty

Beauty is a characteristic of a person, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty is studied

as part of aesthetics, sociology, social psychology, and culture. As a cultural creation, beauty has been extremely commercialized. An "ideal beauty" is an

entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture.

The experience of "beauty" often involves the interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmony with nature, which may lead to feelings of

attraction and emotional well-being. Because this is a subjective experience, it is often said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In its most

profound sense, beauty may engender a salient experience of positive reflection about the meaning of one's own existence. A subject of beauty is anything

that resonates with personal meaning.

The classical Greek adjective beautiful was καλλός. The Koine Greek word for beautiful was "ὡραῖος", an adjective etymologically coming from the word "ὥρα"

meaning hour. In Koine Greek, beauty was thus associated with "being of one's hour". A ripe fruit (of its time) was considered beautiful, whereas a young

woman trying to appear older or an older woman trying to appear younger would not be considered beautiful. ὡραῖος in Attic Greek had many meanings, including

youthful and ripe old age