Sunday 12 April 2009

How to be a cool colleague?

You surely spend much more time at your job than at home. In this case you should make your life easier and respect the existent rules. It isn’t important that you work perfect with the clients, if your colleagues can’t stand you. Let’s see some tips which will help you be considered a “cool” colleague.

Don’t steal things
We ale borrow pens or pencils but don’t forget to give it back. There is nothing more annoying than seeing that things are missing from your desk.

Behave at work as you behave at home
Don’t do mess in public places. Keep the toilet and kitchen hygienic.

Don’t scream and don’t attack your colleagues no matter how irritating they are. We all lived situations when we felt angry on some of our colleagues. Try to abstain yourself from expressing your feelings. It works if you want to. You must be clever, intelligent.

Face to face
No matter how hard it may be, you must communicate directly, face to face. You can be seen by others and the communication is much clear.

Be trustable
If someone told you a secret and you told it the next moment to others, don’t expect to be trusted from now on. People easily lose confidence and you can win it hard afterwards.

Don’t expect the work to be done by your colleagues
The work week ends Friday afternoon, not Thursday afternoon.

Remember: if you gossip and stab someone at the back, that person will think that you do the same with anyone. Nobody likes bad persons who gossip a lot.

Admit others success with humor and avoid persons who make you shiver. You don’t have to be friend with them. Be just polite.

Try using these tips and you will surely be considered the best colleague ever.

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