Sunday 12 April 2009

Types of Skin

Knowing your skin type is the chief way you can ensure your skin feels and looks its best. Many people, however, get confused when trying to figure out exactly what their skin type is. Skin can be divided into various types according to its texture. It is essential to know what skin type you actually have and using the correct products on your face can really make a difference to those problem areas you may have. Due to our higher levels of collagen, male skin is up to 20% thicker and tougher than female skin. Male skin is also oilier, with larger exposed pores, a richer blood supply, and more of a tendency to break out in a sweat compared with women's skin. There are five basic skin types. They are 1.Normal skin 2.Dry skin 3.Oily skin 4.Combination skin 5.Sensitive skin

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